Codecademy Intro to Objects Review: The Story So Far Answer
Someone e-mailed and asked for help on this section, so here’s my source code / answer.
Section 1.3: …And the good!
/* Michael Le (username: mikele) Codecademy Answers / Source Code Introduction to Objects: 1.3 Review: ...And the good! */ //for loop iterating from 1-20 for(i=1;i<=20;i++){ if(i%3===0){ //if divisible by 3 and 5 print FizzBuzz if(i%5===0) console.log("FizzBuzz"); else console.log("Fizz"); } else if(i%5===0) console.log("Buzz"); //if not divisible by 3 nor 5 print the number else console.log(i); }
1.4 I have to celebrate you baby answer / source code
/* Michael Le (username: mikele) Codecademy Answers / Source Code Javascript Intro to Objects I: 1.4 I have to celebrate you baby. */ var getReview = function (movie) { //use switch statement switch(movie){ //because you are using RETURN, you do not need BREAK; case "Matrix": return "good trip out"; case "Princess Bride": return "awesome date night movie"; case "Welcome to America": return "Amjad's favorite"; case "Remember the Titans": return "love the sports"; case "Why do I look like I'm 12?": return "The Ryan and Zach Story"; case "Fighting Kangaroos in the wild": return "Token Australian movie for Leng"; default: return "I don't know!"; } }