Codecademy Challenge: Blackjack: Deal 'em Up Answer
Just finished the Blackjack Challenge. Got my cool badge.
Blackjack Badge
/* Michael Le Codecademy username: mikele Javascript Challenge: Blackjack: Deal 'em Up */ // Our deal function will return a random card var deal = function() { card = Math.floor(Math.random()*52+1); return card; }; // Deal out our first hand var card1 = deal(); var card2 = deal(); // This function takes a card as a parameter and returns // the value of that card var getValue = function(card) { // if its a face card, number should be set to 10 if((card%13===0) || (card%13==11) ||(card%13==12)) return 10; // if its an ace, return 11 else if(card%13==1) return 11; // Otherwise number should be set to card modulo 13 else return card % 13; }; // Score the hand function score() { return getValue(card1) + getValue(card2); } console.log("You have cards " + card1 + " and " + card2 + " for a score of " + score(card1, card2));